After hearing so many rhetorics on religious fundamentalism, I noted one thing common to all religions. All major prophets, god's incarnations or the persons who are credited for starting new religions are all man. Not a single woman is there who started her own religion.
Anyway, I myself as a fellow male find this thing amusing and. good :). But aren't we missing something crucial here? Religion as normally defined is sharing one ideology or theory of god. Religions have some of their own common customs but these normally cover way of praying to god. Some religions cover some other part of social custom but almost all the social customs which people follow are molded out of there own location and popular thinking of that local region.
Take Christianity, they have one god theory and they define Jesus as son of god, not god but a prophet. They have church as the place of pray. They have a custom of taking siesta which is mostly followed by people in
I will leave Hindu religion here, as it is the most diverse religion existing now. In Hindu religion, you can choose your god, you have a very wide existing pantheon and even if you are not satisfied with that you can customize your god, religious body after some tussle will accept that and one more to their pantheon. It is same with the old religions which existed anywhere in the world, like roman, Greek, Egyptian or Chinese. All these old religion were and are highly flexible and accommodating to new gods. Other then the list of gods, there are no restriction on a person following these religions. Their way of prayings are different, they believe in many gods and the place they pray has different names.
Muslim religion is compared to other religion is little advanced in the sense that they have broader set of customs defined under religion. They have one god as in Christianity, they have a custom of five times praying, place of worship is called mosque; they have a gathering on Fridays in mosque similar to Christians' Sunday mass. One extra thing added here is their family system.
Other religions, though abhor incest but they are silent over other family issues. In Hindu religion, you have a strict caste system and marriages are allowed inside the caste only. This custom was though a late edition and it was not part of early Hindu religion. In Muslim religion, only clan marriages are allowed, people choose their partners from their close relatives only, meaning their cousins. Incest is not allowed. Dressing is also though not part of religion is influenced by Arabian cultures as this part has almost all Muslim people.
Other religions have a very similar customs, some having a mix of these religions or little bit modernized form. List of gods, prophets, worship place and name varies but other customs which people follow are dependent on that region's history and social evolution. In Christianity we have different sects; in Muslims we have similar variations. One sect pronounce other sects non-religious. These sects effectively cover any conflicting customs which are not suited for a particular region and its social history and modify the new religion for its regional people. So, it’s more of customizing.
Now, what’s the function of religion? It provides counseling services, provide some faith based products which motivate its consumers and help them to give some meaning to their life. It also helps them to justify their existence and give them an identity which is shared by large group. Being part of a larger group helps people feel more secure. Faith in god helps them to restrain themselves from some habits which are harmful for their society. Counseling helps them to recover from day to day problems. It’s a wonderful service product, essential for normal functioning of all human beings in balance with their nature.
Kudos to all people, who invented this product and launched it initially. Like all other service products like education, coaching, healthcare, this product also requires a business like approach. And that’s what all people preaching do. They sell their product and make new customers, help them to differentiate from other non-followers with a new identity, provide a set of rules which help them to justify their existence. Its really a humble experience if I see this as a manager, everything have been executed in highly successful manner. Consider brand management, marketing, sales or operations, religions are best brands we have, they have widest marketing and sales network, their operations are much more efficient than any other company or industry. Now, from this perspective again compare all these religions. In Christianity, they have their headquarter in
Muslims also used to have their caliph, but they didn't had that strong control as what exercised by pope in
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